Galaxy Craft (Dev Log 7)

I told you I wouldn't do another Dev Log on Monday xP. Anyways I found motivation to do more now, and on the best possible moment! Now I have Easter vacation. 2 weeks that I can work on the game every day and not only the weekends. 

So the 7 dev log is here and I am happy to say that the crafting bench system is half way there (talking a lot about that crafting bench thing xP). Remember that I said this is probably the last code I will write... Yeah... I lied xP. I actually have to code as well the save system which I have no idea how to do. I saw a bit of a Brackeys tutorial about that and... Let's just say it involves extra effort. I don't know if I can pull off the save system. But I have to if I want to call the game "Galaxy Craft"...

Drawings? What drawings? xD.

Ok now for real I hope I find the courage and the time to do them because a story without cutscenes it's an omelette without eggs.

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